By searching on the internet for leadership tools.
I needed to enhance and hone my skills as a leader. I had been having significant difficulty with staff members and I was finding I was no longer able to effectively lead my team.
At least once per month. Initially almost every day.
Mind Tools allows me to focus in on my needs as well as the needs of my team. It allows me to tailor my learning as a leader with the assessments and articles that it provides. I have used a lot of the team building tools which have placed a focus on moving forward not looking back.
The role it has played; it has allowed me to continue in my supervisor role with success and growth.
The articles. There is so much information and insightfulness in each one and the links to other articles or leadership skills and tools keeps me focused on my goals.
The Learning Plan - I can always go back and fine tune it or re-vamp it based on what I am needing at any given time.
I have recommended it to colleagues and they are now members as well.
Just go for it!
Continue with my role at this time and if an opportunity comes up that will allow me to move further and is in my wheelhouse, I will feel confident that I can move forward.
Seek out information that will help develop skills and master your own path.