"Stolen Focus" is a wake-up call. It deserves our attention – if we can spare it!
Book Insight, Empowerment, Personal Development, Stress, Wellbeing
"A conversation can be subtly steered so that someone will come to a conclusion and make a decision themselves. And this is the ultimate catalyst for change." - Joe Morris
All Posts, Communication, Empowerment, Leadership, Team Management
With Juneteenth 2022 fast approaching, we answer the top questions about the holiday and explore the history behind it
February is Black History Month in the U.S. and Canada. It's a great opportunity to broaden our perspectives and understanding of Black History and of the impact of people of color today. And to learn more about key figures from the past and present who rarely make it into the official history books. Who We've […]
You can lump people into two distinct groups: those who set New Year resolutions, and those who don't. But, maybe there's a third way
Career Skills, Decision Making, Empowerment, Problem Solving
Fortunately, we don't need to be Spiderman or Black Panther to have a superpower and make a difference in the world. In a way, your superpower is the ability to think creatively in your own special way
Knowing how to delegate effectively is one of the most powerful strings to a manager's bow, so why do we struggle with it so much? We know that delegation gives us more time to focus on other, perhaps more important tasks. We know that it helps others to develop new skills and to enjoy more […]
A big problem has somehow landed in your lap. Everyone's looking to you to make the final decision, the ripples of which will extend far beyond your little team. But the boss went on holiday with a clear "do not disturb" notice. What do you do? How Urgent Is the Decision? Is the boss's unavailability […]
Communication, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Team Management, Uncategorized