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Sanya Selak - Mind Tools member for 2+ years
“Mind Tools Membership has been an important companion and a valuable information source, especially within the constraints of a busy executive life.”
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Rhonda Fairweather - Canada
"I think it is great. Easy to navigate, good amount of detail, with additional resources to learn more for particular topics I want to dive into further. The different options, articles, videos, audio also mean that different learning styles are accommodated."
Sharon Getz - Mind Tools member for 1+ years
"I have recommended it to colleagues and they are now members as well."
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Wendy Blackwell - Mind Tools member for 3+ years
"Use Mind Tools to support your staff and build relationships with colleagues and your team members by sharing new information."
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Wendy Blackwell - Mind Tools member for 3+ years
"Use Mind Tools to support your staff and build relationships with colleagues and your team members by sharing new information."
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Phillip Holdsworth - United Kingdom
"It’s brilliant, so comprehensive, easy to use and I love the mix of content from blogs, videos, practical exercises to apply learning and the personal learning record."
Greg Pointing - Australia
"I love the content, there is always something relevant to my current area of interest. I can pull out my tablet and always find something to read while I am waiting on a client."
Sachin Chiplunkar - India
"Mind tool is great platform for someone who wish to focusing on self development. Lot of great content in various areas of development to be practiced to achieve improvement."
Mary J. Anderson - Mind Tools member for 5+ years
“The resources are easy to find, which is a huge time saver, rather than searching endlessly for resources on the Internet. And, the monthly fee for membership is so affordable.”
Read Mary's story
Sanya Selak - Mind Tools member for 2+ years
“Mind Tools Membership has been an important companion and a valuable information source, especially within the constraints of a busy executive life.”
Read Sanya's story
Rhonda Fairweather - Canada
"I think it is great. Easy to navigate, good amount of detail, with additional resources to learn more for particular topics I want to dive into further. The different options, articles, videos, audio also mean that different learning styles are accommodated."
Sharon Getz - Mind Tools member for 1+ years
"I have recommended it to colleagues and they are now members as well."
Read Sharon's story
Wendy Blackwell - Mind Tools member for 3+ years
"Use Mind Tools to support your staff and build relationships with colleagues and your team members by sharing new information."
Read Wendy's story
Phillip Holdsworth - United Kingdom
"It’s brilliant, so comprehensive, easy to use and I love the mix of content from blogs, videos, practical exercises to apply learning and the personal learning record."
Greg Pointing - Australia
"I love the content, there is always something relevant to my current area of interest. I can pull out my tablet and always find something to read while I am waiting on a client."
Sachin Chiplunkar - India
"Mind tool is great platform for someone who wish to focusing on self development. Lot of great content in various areas of development to be practiced to achieve improvement."
Mary J. Anderson - Mind Tools member for 5+ years
“The resources are easy to find, which is a huge time saver, rather than searching endlessly for resources on the Internet. And, the monthly fee for membership is so affordable.”
Read Mary's story
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